SSA Mission Statement
Our Vision
The SSA is the central sporting body in Stanthorpe responsible for overseeing the main sporting precinct in town. We offer a multi-sport precinct unsurpassed in the region. We provide a friendly, inclusive, community environment that ensures strong participation.
Our Mission
We provide an enjoyable and supportive family environment that promotes participation in sport. We advocate on behalf of user groups in order to provide a sporting environment that local people can be proud of.
Our Values – Our Culture
Our culture refers to the character of our organisation or our operating ‘climate’ and collective ‘personality’. This is shaped by our core values, beliefs, principles, traditions, ingrained behaviours, communication, practices and style of operation.
Our core values help define our standards and behaviours and what is acceptable and what is not.
Our values define ‘how we do things’ at SSA.
We provide a welcoming, family friendly, community atmosphere.
Health and Wellbeing
We encourage healthy lifestyles and participation both on and off the field.
We represent all sporting bodies operating from the site and foster an inclusive environment and feeling of allegiance. We are proud of our standing and reputation as the central sporting body in Stanthorpe.
We provide a cooperative and supportive environment and encourage personal development.
We are honest and transparent.